Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dilemma about Kumar & Abhishek

I guess after a considerable amount of time spent on earth, one thing every person is very much sure of is his/her NAME. But guess what, at this point if some one asks me my name .... M CONFUSED.

Well it all started with the damn registrar of my school who put my name in reverse in the certificates. Till 12th I could handle it. Then came college, I dint knew a change of place would cause a change in name. So I came to be known as "Kumar". I took pride in that name !! n almost forgot that "Abhishek" was also attached to it. College was fun, days went by and "Kumar" stabalised. So the first interview I attended, I was asked whether to be called "Kumar" or "Abhishek". In came the prompt reply "Kumar". Interviewer asked "Then what is Abhishek for" ? "Stumped" :) I had never thought of it !!!

Joined a company and there was a welcome change. I came to be known as "Abhishek". Thankfully now I could tell everybody that "Kumar" was the title :) But as always the ghost was right behind. Went for a Visa Interview where my passport said "Kumar" and I contradicted with "Abhishek" !!! Result, Visa on hold :)

After fiddling long with the name, I thought "Abhishek" was one thing to get settled about. Naah !! Guess what, Americans find it a tounge twister :) they prefer "Kumar" :D

And the confusion continues ....


Somu said...

Oh my goodness. Well I have no confusion. You will always remain my Darling ABHI!!!!

Somu said...

And also please correct the spelling of Dilemma. It's a double 'm'. :)

Udit said...

How about Kumar for six months and Abhishek for next six... :)

Hacked Emotions said...

Thank you for the advice Sowmya

Hacked Emotions said...

Sure Udit will try that too

Pankaj said...

You are having problem with "Kumar" and "Abhishek".....ha ha...then what about the names that we have given you....more specifically the name that "DAD"....has given you :)...I think you will prefer Kumar or Abhishek any day then that name....
what say????:):)

Munna / Rakesh said...

Hello sir .... But we would always prefer you calling " Kumar sir " ... This one gives a royal look and sounds good when heard !

Anjali Chati said...

lol. confused about ur name too?? :-O DA - that's apt for u!! ( u prove it over n over again ;) )

well, many more on the list, can't put those here! :P

Hacked Emotions said...

Oye Anjali... it has changed to HA.. :P